6 January 2000 Edition
The killing of John Francis Green
6 January 2000
At a remote mountainside farmhouse one bleak January night, the body of a young man, shot dead and lying in a pool of blood, was discovered by a farmer returning home after milking a neighbour's cow. Free article
Millennium fuse still fizzles in Chiapas
6 January 2000
A cold night in the poverty-stricken highlands of South East Mexico saw soldiers withdraw to their barracks and encampments in what ranks as one of the most heavily militarised regions of Latin America. Free article
Nósanna La Caille
6 January 2000
An bhfuil pleananna ar bith déanta agat do Lá caille? Dar leis an Draoi Rua tá níos mó le déanamh againn an lá sin ná bheith ag fulaingt ó thinneas poit! Free article
Workers in struggle
6 January 2000
Three issues for 2000 and TDs double standards on 31% wage increase Free article
6 January 2000
Westlife mowed my lawn (and we bate Tipp) and Looking back at 99 Free article
New in print: Books of the revolution
6 January 2000
Are you wondering what to do with thise Christmas book tokens or looking to change unwanted book gifts? Maybe you'll find somethign of interest in these reviews of Irish history books, continued from our Christmas issue, of new publications dealing in particular with the first two decades of this century. Free article