16 December 1999 Edition

Hamill Campaign gets London boost

16 December 1999

Three of London's most eminent lawyers and human rights campaigners joined Diane Hamill in Camden Council Chamber in London on Tuesday 14 December to speak to a joint meeting of the Robert Hamill Campaign and the recently formed National Civil Rights Movement. The NCRM provides support for the victims of racial injustice and promotes family-based campaigns to challenge the criminal justice system and institutional racism. Free article

Murphy slams Army hypocrites

16 December 1999

Conor Murphy, Sinn Féin Assembly member for Newry and South Armagh, has called on Peter Mandelson to explain the British government's position on demilitarisation after it was revealed that the British army is continuing to build bases in South Armagh. Free article

No absolute right to march

16 December 1999

High-profile solicitors and legal experts joined over 130 people on the Lower Ormeau Road last weekend for the last of a series of four conferences aimed at giving a nationalist response to sectarian parades and the workings of the Parades Commission. An Phoblacht's Caítlin Doherty was there. Free article

British bugging raised in Dáil

16 December 1999

The discovery of a sophisticated listening and tracking device in a car used by Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and chief negotiator Martin McGuinness was raised in the Dáil during Taoiseach's Questions this week by Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. Free article

``Go home you Fenian bastard''

16 December 1999

In a week which saw a number of DUP-inspired protests against Martin McGuinness, the SDLP also became the target of No-camp unionist protests. Free article

Banks must cough up

16 December 1999

The Report of the Public Accounts Committee into the DIRT scandal was welcomed by Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin on Wednesday, 15 December. He urged the immediate implementation of its recommendations by the Government. Ó Caoláin said: Free article

Homeless for the New Year

16 December 1999

As the bells ring in the new millenium, not all the people of Ireland will revel in the celebrations. Free article

No Room at the Inn

16 December 1999

``Dublin's housing crisis has become a nightmare,'' says Dublin Sinn Féin Councillor Christy Burke. People are still finding themselves in hostel accommodation with young children, where fathers must make alternative arrangements, or in B&B accommodation where mothers with kids, without money, must walk the streets all day. They are waiting 18 months to two years for a place to live. Landlords have been let use all kinds of bully boy tactics.'' Free article

Dublin meeting demands RUC disbanding

16 December 1999

A public meeting in Dublin City centre this week heard several speakers call for the disbandment of the RUC as soon as possible. Free article

News of the Kesh

16 December 1999

``The phone rings - you could cut the tension with a knife - who's going to be first to answer the phone, this would show signs of weakness or overeagerness. It's like a scene from ``The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,'' (there's possibly an argument over who would be the ugly) sidewards glances to see who is going to break first, the only thing missing is the music.'' Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1