Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

16 December 1999 Edition

New era of hope

16 December 1999

As we enter the new millennium, the aim of Irish republicans - an independent 32-County republic, remains undiminished. This democratic objective will be pursued with the same vigour in the time ahead as it has been over previous decades and indeed centuries. Free article

Sinn Féin's Programme for Government

16 December 1999

Sinn Féin is proposing a range of radical measures in its detailed programme for government in the Six Counties, a summary of which we carry here. In line with Sinn Féin's insistence on openness, the party will argue that all departments work in full transparency and accountability. Free article

Another step forward as All-Ireland Council meets

16 December 1999

British Prime Minister Tony Blair refused to comment over the past week on the fact that a car used by Sinn Féin leaders Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness was bugged by the British Secret Services during the Mitchell Review. Free article


Rosemary Nelson investigation scrutinised

16 December 1999

International human rights groups have come together to urge the British government to establish a fully independent and impartial inquiry into the killing of Lurgan defence lawyer Rosemary Nelson. Free article

How the mighty has `Faulen'

16 December 1999

When up to 500 citizens of the Tyrone parish of Termonmaguirc gathered in the Patrician Hall in Carrickmore last Sunday night, their anger was evident. They were angry that their parish priest had been holding secret meetings with the RUC. Free article

An Phoblacht
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