21 June 2007 Edition
New Government : Programme continues failed policies of the past decade
21 June 2007
Following a meeting last Thursday morning the Sinn Féin's four newly elected TDs, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Martin Ferris, Arthur Morgan and Aengus Ó Snodaigh, confirmed that they would be voting against the proposed Fianna Fáil/Progressive Democrats/Green Government and against the nominations of both Bertie Ahern and Enda Kenny for Taoiseach. Free article
New Dáil : Government attempts to silence Sinn Féin
21 June 2007
Bertie Ahern was elected Taoiseach by the Dáil for the third time in a row last Thursday, the first time a Fianna Fáil leader has headed a three-party coalition with support from several Independent TDs. Free article
Sinn Féin TDs will fight tooth and nail for speaking rights
21 June 2007
In this paper following the 2002 General Election the present writer stated that the result was not a new Government but a new Opposition. Fine Gael was devastated and gains for the Greens, Sinn Féin and Independents gave a different character to the Dáil. Free article
Suicide : Catalogue of failures resulted in young man's death
21 June 2007
Commenting on Tuesday on the findings of the inquiry into the death of teenager Danny McCartan Sinn Féin West Belfast MP Gerry Adams today said it detailed a catalogue of failures which resulted in the loss of a young man's life and the grief and hurt which his family have had to carry since then. Danny McCartan was passed from pillar to post by a health service, which failed to respond to his needs with compassion, consistency and urgency. Free article
EU must act now on Palestine - de Brún
21 June 2007
"The EU and the international community bear a heavy responsibility for the current tragedy in Palestine" according to Sinn Féin MEP Bairbre de Brún. De Brún is one of a number of MEPs who have been consistently drawing attention to the short-sightedness of EU policy in the Middle East. Free article
Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh : Seanad candidate puts Irish to the fore
21 June 2007
Beidh Dáithí Mac Cárthaigh, Uachtarán Chonradh na Gaeilge "ag cur a hata sa chró" do Thoghchán Seanad Éireann i mbliana. Ó thaobh polasaithe de, cuireann Dáithí ceist na Gaeilge ar bharr a liosta agus bhí sé i láthair an seachtain seo caite nuair a thainig thart fá 4,000 duine amach ar na sráideanna i mBéal Feirste ag éilimh cearta teanga, cearta daonna. Free article