Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

30 May 2002 Edition

Plastic bullets still kill

30 May 2002

Last week's report by the Police Ombudsman, Nuala O'Loan, 'justified' the RUC/PSNI use of plastic bullets during the past year, but it did not change any fundamental truths about this weapon Free article

British government censured by European Court of Human Rights

30 May 2002

The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) has welcomed this week's finding of the European Court of Human Rights that Britain violated the right to life in the case of Dermot McShane. Free article

Loyalists besiege Antrim school

30 May 2002

On Thursday 23 May, parents of St Malachy's High School in Antrim Town held a public meeting to seek an end to the loyalist intimidation and threats from the UDA's youth wing. Since the start of the new school year, pupils attending the school have been under constant threat from loyalists connected to the Ulster Young Militants. Free article

Infliction will not testify at Bloody Sunday Inquiry

30 May 2002

The Bloody Sunday Tribunal ruled on Monday that the agent code-named 'Infliction' will not have to give evidence in person to the inquiry. Lord Saville said that to require him to do so would breach his rights under Article 2 of the Convention of Human Rights. Free article


Ballymurphy murals unveiled

30 May 2002

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and Vice President Joe Cahill were the main speakers at a commemoration parade in, Ballymurphy, West Belfast, on Sunday last, 26 June. Free article

Protest as death drivers claim another young life

30 May 2002

Kieran Conlon, a 21-year-old from Lenadoon in West Belfast, has become the latest person to be killed by death drivers. Free article

An Phoblacht
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