Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

18 October 2001 Edition

Sinn Féin leaders toil to save process

18 October 2001

Intense media speculation surrounding the supposed intentions of the IRA has created enormous confusion and uncertainty, not just among republican activists but also wider afield. more Free article

Reid finally accepts the obvious

18 October 2001

After three killings and more than 200 attacks on Catholics in the past year, British Secretary of State John Reid finally declared that the seven-year UDA 'ceasefire' is over. The announcement on Friday 12 October came only after the UDA had been involved in serious clashes with the RUC on the lower Shankill the previous night. Free article

Finucane murder weapon revelation

18 October 2001

The weapon used to kill Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane has been handed over to the British Army and 'reconditioned', effectively destroying the possibility of further forensic testing despite the ongoing nature of the investigation. Free article

Euro Court orders Brits to compensate detainees

18 October 2001

The European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg has ordered the British government to pay compensation to two republicans detained in Castlereagh Holding Centre in Belfast. Free article


Witnesses describe cold-blooded killings

18 October 2001

A witness has told the Bloody Sunday inquiry how he watched as one of the victims, Jim Wray, was killed as he lay injured on the ground. Malachy Coyle told the tribunal that Wray called out to him, saying that he could not move his legs. Coyle answered him, telling the injured man to lie still and pretend to be dead. As he did so, he heard a shot and saw sparks fly off the pavement underneath Wray, who was killed where he lay. Free article

South Armagh to take on choppers in Europe

18 October 2001

The South Armagh Farmers & Residents Committee (SAFRC) is considering taking legal action against the British government and Ministry of Defence following a landmark ruling in the European Court of Human Rights. Free article

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