Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

20 November 2003 Edition

Gaelscoileanna Abú!

20 November 2003

Gaelscoileanna, the organisation that promotes all Irish medium education, is 30 years old and just had its annual conference at the weekend. It certainly looks as if it is set to grow even more in the future, says AN DRAOI RUA Free article

The 5th Column

20 November 2003

Sammy Wilson gets the willies DUP WOOD NYMPH, Sammy 'Woodpecker' Wilson, fondly remembered by nature lovers and the beasts in the forest for his naked romps in a dingly dell with a mysterious young lady splashed across the tabloids, is getting a cold shiver up his spine at the thought of a PSNI gay police officers' association. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1