Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

19 September 2002 Edition

Loyalist violence exposed

19 September 2002

In a week when a three young Catholic men were lucky to survive a sectarian assassination bid in North Belfast and when resurgent internecine feuding saw an LVF man shot dead, An Phoblachts LAURA FRIEL examines the ongoing loyalist terror campaign. Free article


19 September 2002

The trial of the three Irishmen currently detained in Colombia facing charges of assisting FARC guerillas is due to start on 4 October. Here, CAITRIONA RUANE, Chairperson of the Bring Them Home Campaign, explains the background to the case, and why the men should be released back to their families in Ireland. Free article

Diaspora double standard

19 September 2002

The right to live and work with dignity and security in Ireland is perhaps one of the most fundamental conditions of any truly just society. It is also one of the most overlooked. Free article

Twenty years on

19 September 2002

The massacre at the Sabra and Chatila refugee camps occurred between 16 and 18 September 1982, after the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF), then occupying Beirut and under Ariel Sharon«s overall command as Israeli Defence Minister, permitted members of the Phalange militia into the camps. The following extract is from the book "Pity The Nation" by ROBERT FISK, still probably the most outstanding journalist working in the Middle East and one of the first journalists present at the scene of the massacre. Free article

Puerto Ricans organise against US Navy in Vieques

19 September 2002

Contempt, paternalism, discrimination... Many Puerto Ricans feel those words aptly describe their lives as inhabitants of a United States colony. In the case of Vieques, a small island off Puerto Rico's coast, this feeling is exacerbated because three-quarters of the island is used as a training range for the US Navy. Free article

Nósanna Ribeacha

19 September 2002

The DRAOI RUA relates a few hairy stories this week, covering some of the Celtic folklore about druids and warriors in battle and other beliefs/superstitions about hair. Free article

Setting the record straight

19 September 2002

Liberty is Strength: 30 Years of Struggle By Lily Fitzsimmons £6.99 Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1