Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

23 November 2000 Edition

How the US media backs Israeli colonialism

23 November 2000

In an article abridged from Al-Ahram Weekly, November 2-8, 2000, Issue No. 506, noted Palestinian academic, author and human rights campaigner DR EDWARD SAID discusses the biased coverage of the US media towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. That coverage, he says, amounts to a victory for Zionism, a travesty of justice given the reality of ongoing Israeli repression and the denial of rights to the Palestinian people. He writes in a week when Israeli attack helicopters and warships have carried out a massive bombardment in the Gaza Strip in what Israel termed retaliation for an attack on a school bus. Free article

Peru celebrates as Fujimori goes

23 November 2000

On Sunday 19 November, the longest serving Latin American leader, Alberto Fujimori, announced while on a private visit to Japan that he would quit his position as president of Peru within 48 hours. Fujimori's exit ends a decade of hard-line rule, leaving a country embroiled in economic downturn, a spy chief still at large and an uneasy military uneasy facing a potential string of criminal court cases for human rights abuses. Free article

Comhdháil le Caomhnú nó Cur i gCéill

23 November 2000

Thosaigh comhdháil mór ar an Luan 13 Samhain in Le Hague le staidéar a dhéanamh ar an timpeallacht agus an tionchar atá ag an chine daonna air. Mairfidh an comhdháil ar feadh coicíse agus 180 náisiún páirteach. Free article

Back issue: Armagh prisoners' decision final

23 November 2000

THE republican women protest prisoners in Armagh Jail have taken a decision in principle to hunger strike in an intensification of their campaign for political status, despite appeals from the Republican Movement advising them against such action. Free article

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