Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

29 July 2004 Edition

British Government must put Agreement first

29 July 2004

Now that the governments have announced a schedule for intensive talks in September, the British Government has a clear-cut choice. It can stand with the Good Friday Agreement and build a bridge towards democracy and equality, or it can side with the forces of reaction and the agenda of securocrats within the NIO, as successive British Governments did for decades Free article

Collusion cover-up could rival Nelson affair

29 July 2004

Weekend revelations that the UDA are claiming to be in possession of the missing Castlereagh dossier will reinforce the belief amongst nationalists and republicans that the British Government is actively trying to cover-up a collusion scandal. Free article

Eight days off in new union deal

29 July 2004

An extra eight days holiday, time off for training, a new Women at Work Commission to produce proposals on gender wage gaps, ending the casualisation of public sector workforces which was creating a two-tier system, free training for unskilled workers, progressive moves on pension rights and changes to private finance initiative spending decisions. Free article

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