30 August 2001 Edition

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Foot and Mouth mistakes must not be repeated

Sinn Féin West Tyrone MP Pat Doherty has called on Agriculture minister Bríd Rodgers to adopt a `Fortress Ireland' approach to the latest outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in England.

``The latest outbreak of Foot and Mouth in England is extremely worrying,'' said Doherty. ``I would call on Bríd Rodgers to meet immediately with her counterpart in the 26 Counties, Joe Walsh, and to adopt a `Fortress Ireland' approach to ensure that the disease does not spread to Ireland.

``Bríd Rodgers must make sure that the mistakes which allowed the disease to spread to Ireland during the last outbreak are not repeated this time around.''

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1