9 November 2000 Edition

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Thousands join Dublin grants protest

Thousands of third level students marched through the streets of Dublin on Wednesday, 8 November, to protest the low level of student grants.

The protest, organised by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), followed other major protests in Athlone, Sligo and Letterkenny. USI President Julian de Spáinn said that the demonstration was primarily aimed at ``fighting for those members of society who want to go to college, but simply cannot afford to.

``A maximum student grant of £49 per week puts college out of the reach of many in our society. A maximum grant of £49 per week ensures that the marginalised continue to be marginalised. Enough is enough. It's time to stop the discrimination and give genuinely free access to education.''

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1