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1 December 2013 Edition

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FF, FG and Labour fail to fight war plans

Many Irish MEPs fail to defend Irish neutrality in European Parliament

• 5 Labour MEP Phil Prendergast – Voted for and Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson – Voted against

“Neutrality it is about active engagement in the global community and the relentless pursuit of global justice through peaceful means.”

How Irish MEPs voted on EU military document

Fine Gael (4 MEPs) 3 for 1 absent

Fianna Fáil (3 MEPs) 1 for 2 abstained

LabourParty (3 MEPs)1 for 2 abstained

Sinn Féin (1 MEP) 1 against

Socialist Party (1 MEP)  1 against

DUP (1 MEP) 1 absent

UUP (1 MEP) 1 against

Independent (1 MEP) 1 for

FIANNA FÁIL, Labour and Fine Gael MEPs have been criticised by Sinn Féin at a Dublin conference on ‘The EU – The Military Dimension’ for failing to stand up and defend the neutrality of the Irish state at European level.

Sinn Féin Dublin EU candidate Lynn Boylan highlighted how most Irish MEPs failed to oppose a European report which notes “with regret” that the EU does not possess a permanent military planning and conduct capability.

The report also expressed regret at the cutting of military budgets across the EU.

Lynn told the 16 November conference organised by the Peace and Neutrality Alliance (PANA) and the People’s Movement that it is “shocking” that most Irish MEPs failed to oppose the ‘EU Structures, State of Play and Future Prospects’ report.

Lynn Boylan described it as “a document that defends excessive military spending whilst 64,700 young Irish people are officially out of work, under 26s have had their benefits cut by 30%, and another €1billion is to be cut from the health services”.

The Dublin EU candidate hit out at the €194billion spent on arms by EU member states.

“Defenders of the arms industry will say that it employs 800,000 people in the EU but research shows that for every euro invested in education or public transport twice as many jobs are created than that invested in the arms industry.”

She said Sinn Féin strongly opposes military alliances and instead seeks international co-operation and conflict negotiation.

“Neutrality it is about active engagement in the global community and the relentless pursuit of global justice through peaceful means.”

EU military document vote chat


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Dublin 1