22 June 2006 Edition
Call for action on Dublin murders
22 June 2006
There is growing concern at the recent spate of murders in Dublin city with Justice Minister Michael McDowell facing mounting criticism for his failure to tackle the issue of gangland violence and the continuing drugs problem with which such activity is linked. Free article
International: Dark side of World Cup sponsorship
22 June 2006
The World Cup frenzy should prompt questions other than the state of Wayne Rooney's foot. Questions such as whether the global get-together is more about business than sport. The borders are blurred by the competition which has seen the constant presence of sports brands as sponsors of teams or individual players. Companies are very anxious to have star players persuading people to buy a particular brand product. Nike pays €13 million to the Brazilian national football team and Adidas pays €1.5 million to French player Zinezine Zidane. In 2003, Beckham signed the most lucrative sporting endorsement deal to date with Adidas for approximately €127 million. Free article
School closures threat a result of "chequebook mentality"
22 June 2006
Sinn Féin Education Spokesperson Michael Ferguson has criticised coments by the British Education Minister on school closures. Marie Eagle MP claimed school closures and consequent amalgamation because of falling rolls will lead to greater choice and a better quality of education. Free article
International News in Brief
22 June 2006
Catalonia, Bolivia, Remembering Soweto, Iran and Nepal Free article
Encouraging innovation or electioneering?
22 June 2006
Five ministers working overtime on a Sunday in June, together with the Taoiseach and a promise of €3.8 billion. Could it mean the starting bell for the next general election? Free article
Recruitment campaign launched in North Belfast
22 June 2006
Dozens of Sinn Féin party activists gathered at Eia Street, off the Antrim Road in North Belfast, on Monday 19 June for the launch of the party's latest recruitment campaign. Free article
Teitheadh na Tuaithe
22 June 2006
Ó thús dara leath an Fhichiú Aois ar aghaidh nuair a thosaigh tionsclú nua-aimseartha bunaithe ar teiceolaíocht nua, tá próiseas uirbithe imithe i bhfeidhm ar fud an oileáin, go háirithe sa Deisceart. I lár na 1960í, don chéad uair, bhí níos mó daoine ina gcónaí sna cathracha agus sna bailte móra ná mar a bhí ina gcónaí faoin tuath agus iad ag brath ar an talamh chun maireachtála. Ón am sin ar aghaidh, go háirithe i dtréimhse an Tíogair Cheiltigh, tá daoine óga na tuaithe ag teitheadh na talún. Tá cúinsí eacnamaíochta domhanda dírithe anois ar theicneolaíochtaí fáisnéise a bhrathann ar níos mó oideachais, seachas ar an tionscal trom bunaithe ar ghual, ar chruach, ar theicstíl agus ar bhunábhair eilea bhí mar bhunús den chéad réabhlóid tionsclaíochta. Free article
Brendan Moley presentation
22 June 2006
The family of IRA Volunteer Brendan Moley, killed on active serive in 1988 made a special presentation on 13 June to the Sinn Féin Cumann named in his honour and that of his comrade Brendan Burns. Free article
In Brief
22 June 2006
Milne elected Magherafelt Chairperson, Graveyard vandalism slammed, McGuinness welcomes FIFA decision, EU bulletin to be launched, Cairde Shinn Féin Belfast launch, From Belfast to Balyconnell, British challenged on discrimination, Galliagh residents demand support and Anti-death driving murals launched Free article