6 September 2001 Edition
Dundalk councillors reject Hunger Strike memorial
6 September 2001
The Louth 1981 Hunger Strike Commemoration Committee says it is saddened but not surprised by the refusal of Dundalk UDC to grant a licence for the erection of a memorial to the 1981 Hunger Strikers. The committee has called on those councilors who opposed the erection of the monument to engage in informed debate with us to resolve the issue. Free article
Skibbereen honours the hunger strikers
6 September 2001
Republicans from all over West Cork attended a hunger strike commemoration in Skibbereen on Saturday 25 August. Close on 200 participated in the march and this grew to well over 300 for the main commemoration in the square. Free article
TD calls on state to buy Farnham Estate
6 September 2001
Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has renewed the call for the State to purchase the Farnham Estate in Cavan. The Cavan/Monaghan TD made his statement as the 6 September deadline for offers of interest approached. Free article
Councillor takes up fight for information on fluoridation
6 September 2001
1984 has been and gone in most places. But not so in the 26 counties, where the government still insists on medicating the nation, without their agreement, through fluoridating the water supply, argues Monaghan councillor BRIAN MacUAID. Free article
Lignite mining concern
6 September 2001
Pearse McAleer, Chairman of Cookstown Distict Council, has voiced his concern at the advertisement of a grant of two licences to explore for lignite. Free article