7 June 2001 Edition
Belfast abduction attempt
7 June 2001
A West Belfast man was tailed to his work last Friday in what is believed to have been a loyalist abduction attempt. Free article
Bloody Sunday soldiers claim Derry is too dangerous
7 June 2001
The Ministry of Defence's continuing efforts to ensure that British soldiers involved in Bloody Sunday will not have to attend the inquiry in person were this week described on Monday by Lord Anthony Gifford QC, counsel for the family of James Wray, as deriving ``from a wish not to be discomfited or embarrassed by having to account for their actions before the very people who most suffered from them''. Free article
Call for inquiry into Burke's Corrib Gas deal
7 June 2001
Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has called for an inquiry into the deal done by former Fianna Fáil Minister Ray Burke with the multinational consortium which is exploiting the Corrib gas field off the West of Ireland. Ó Caoláin was speaking in the Dáil on 30 May when he also called for the new natural gas find in the border counties to be used for maximum national benefit. Free article
Four years in Leinster House
7 June 2001
Four years ago this week, on 6 June 1997, voters went to the polls in the 26 Counties and one of the most significant outcomes was the election of the first non-abstentionist Sinn Féin TD, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. It had been a long and difficult ten-year struggle from 1987 and the first general election after the dropping of abstentionism to the poll-topping victory in the Cavan/Monaghan constituency. Free article
Carey's flawed bag
7 June 2001
Pat Carey, TD and leader of the Fianna Fáil Group on Dublin City Council, has financed the handout of 2,000 paper shopping bags, upon which his name and telephone number are boldly emblazoned above the environment protection logo calling for recycling and reuse. He is quoted as saying ``I want to show that Pat Carey cares about the environment.'' Free article
Support for Downpatrick monument
7 June 2001
A poll on the future of a republican memorial in Downpatrick has received up to 2,000 respondents, with 1,500 said to be in favour of the memorial. Free article
Oldham deputy mayor's home petrol-bombed
7 June 2001
Following the violence in the Glodwick area of Oldham a fortnight ago, the home of the Deputy Mayor of the town, Riaz Ahmad, who also represents Glodwick, was targeted in a racially-motivated attack last Friday. A petrol bomb was thrown through a bedroom window causing extensive damage to the house. Mr Ahmad and his family were at home at the time although all escaped injury. Free article
Volunteers honoured on the Border
7 June 2001
More than 500 people attended the unveiling of a commemorative plaque at Coragunt Bridge, Knockatallon, on the Monaghan/Fermanagh border on last Sunday evening, 3 June. A short parade led by a colour party and a republican band marched from the Northern side to the bridge where a large body of people had assembled from throughout County Monaghan and from as far away as County Cork. Free article