Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

5 September 2002 Edition

Adams slams unionist obstacles

5 September 2002

GERRY ADAMS has branded the upcoming Ulster Unionist Council (UUC) meeting an attempt to "get rid" of the Good Friday Agreement and has hit out at accusations of republican orchestration of sectarian street violence in Belfast Free article

Orde's inauspicious start

5 September 2002

The new chief constable of the RUC, Hugh Orde, took up his post on Monday, vowing to stay out of politics. His very first act as chief constable, however, was entirely political. Free article

Forensic scientist does u-turn

5 September 2002

The forensic scientist who told the Widgery Tribunal in 1972 that at least seven of the Bloody Sunday victims had either fired a gun or had been close to someone using a gun before they were killed, admitted to the Saville Inquiry on Tuesday that he could no longer stand by that claim. Free article

Kelly calls for removal of Scots Guards on tenth anniversary

5 September 2002

As north Belfast teenager Peter McBride's family marked the tenth anniversary of his killing by British soldiers on Wednesday, Sinn Féin Assembly member for north Belfast Gerry Kelly called for the immediate removal of the two Scots Guards responsible, Fisher and Wright, from the British Army. Free article



5 September 2002

West Tyrone Sinn Féin MP Pat Doherty will join other leading political figures from Ireland and the US at the historic US-Ireland Business Summit from 4-6 September. Free article

Brits block Dublin-Monaghan inquiry

5 September 2002

The British government is refusing to cooperate with the inquiry into the Dublin-Monaghan Bombings, despite a pledge of assistance from British Prime Minister Tony Blair, a report in last week's Ireland on Sunday reveals. Free article

An Phoblacht
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