Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

20 December 2001 Edition

UN spotlight on collusion

20 December 2001

Those who killed RUC agent and UDA quartermaster William Stobie last week may be the same people who killed defence lawyer Pat Finucane in 1989. Free article

Let us have peace for Christmas

20 December 2001

In the courtyard stand two wheelie bins filled with water. After sundown neighbours take turns to act as watch out. At a prearranged signal, the sound of a siren, residents come out of their homes. Free article

Omagh: What does the Special Branch have to hide?

20 December 2001

"I had been hoping it wasn't as bad as I thought. In fact, it was worse." Free article

Cuba and Ireland: Solidarity in struggle

20 December 2001

Gerry Adams writes from Cuba, where he unveiled, this week, a mural in commemoration of the 1981 hunger strikers. Free article


Taoiseach told 'respect electorate'

20 December 2001

Speaking in Irish at the final Forum on Europe session ,in Dublin Castle, on the eve of the EU Laeken summit, Sinn Féin's delegate, Aengus Ó Snodaigh, took the opportunity to again reiterate his call for the government to respect the decision of the Irish people in rejecting the Nice Treaty. He said that the Laeken Conference and the proposed governments' Convention on the Future of Europe should bear this in mind and not continue on the presumption that Nice is passed. Free article

Supreme Court order judiciary to breach constitution

20 December 2001

Tuesday was an extremely bad day for human rights in Ireland. The Supreme Court decided, by a majority of four to one, to overturn Judge Peter Kelly's order directing to the State to provide places of high support for 'children at risk'. Free article

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1