1 June 2000 Edition
They're back
1 June 2000
The Good Friday Institutions have finally been restored this week following Saturday's meeting of the Ulster Unionist Council. The first meeting of the restored Executive is scheduled for Thursday, 1 June, while ministers, including Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness and Bairbre de Brún, returned to their posts on Tuesday morning. Free article
Loyalist terror at cross-community event
1 June 2000
It was a night that the Catholic pupils of Drumcree College and their Protestant counterparts from Portadown College were looking forward to. A concert held on Tuesday in Portadown featuring Irish flautist James Galway and Maire Brennan from Clannad was intended to help the pupils raise funds for a trip to Canada. Free article
Nationalists cannot join proposed police force - Adams
1 June 2000
Gerry Adams says that Sinn Féin will be stepping up its campaign to win a proper policing service. The Sinn Féin President spoke to the Irish and British governments and US President Clinton on the issue at the weekend. Free article
Loyalist terror in Ballynahinch
1 June 2000
A nationalist resident of the County Down town of Ballynahinch came within inches of serious injury when a loyalist held a broken cider bottle to her face. ``You're lucky you're a fuckin' woman'', he said as he held her by the throat. Free article
Prospect of two Sinn Féin mayors
1 June 2000
The prospect is growing that both Belfast and Derry will have Sinn Féin mayors in place by next week, although unionist die-hards are attempting to prevent the historic appointments of Alex Maskey and Cathal Crumley. Free article
Putting equality centre stage
1 June 2000
Una Gillespie is the Director of the West Belfast Economic Forum and a former Sinn Féin councillor. During a period of consultation, in which groups and agencies will be sending submissions to the Equality Commission, Una addresses the equality agenda for An Phoblacht. Free article
The story Prime Time didn't tell
1 June 2000
Remember Julie on the Prime Time special on Ireland's slum landlords, the slim young girl with a baby in her arms and another little child who ran away in fear from the landlord. There were rats in the yard, there was no heating, nowhere outside of the room safe was to play, the small room that housed two adults and the two kids. There was sewage seeping up through the ground floor entrance hall, no hot running water, tokens for the shower which didn't work, no fire escape, and the windows of the house were barred up. That was where Julie Rattigan and her family lived - 9 Church Street, Tullamore. Free article