13 March 2008 Edition
Thousands honour Gibraltar 3 and Milltown Martyrs
13 March 2008
THE thousands who turned out on Sunday, 9 March, to attend the 20th anniversary march to commemorate the Gibraltar 3 and Milltown Martyrs were standing shoulder to shoulder with the families of seven brave young Irish people who were killed by the British war machine. Free article
Government must stand up for Irish farmers in WTO talks
13 March 2008
THE Irish Government must be "vehement" in its opposition to meat imports from outside the EU, Sinn Féin's Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin told the Dáil last week. Free article
The Mary Nelis Column
13 March 2008
IT'S NOT every government that is compared by a Nobel Laureate to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan but, indirectly, Seamus Heaney has compared the destruction of Ireland's most historical site to the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in 2001, an action that shocked the civilised world. Free article
INTERNATIONAL : Presidents meet in crisis talks over war moves
13 March 2008
A POSSIBLE all-out war pitching Venezuela and Ecuador against neighbouring Colombia has been averted after a meeting between the leaders of the three countries during a summit of Latin American and Caribbean states last week. Free article
Irish Republican Brotherhood : 150th Anniversary
13 March 2008
THERE is a small, unassuming building in a terrace of premises in East Lombard Street, Dublin, which houses a tyre firm. Unless they have business there, few people notice the building where one of the most important meetings in Irish history took place. It was here, in the house of Peter Langan, lathe-maker and timber merchant, in East Lombard Street on St Patrick's Day 1858, that the Irish Republican Brotherhood was founded. Free article
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13 March 2008
Is fada an lá ó scríobh mé rud beag raiméise agus Seárlas De Gaeilf imithe ar strae le bean ó Iamáice ar tóir na conquistadores i Meiriceá Theas nó b'fhéidir go bhfuil sé gafa ag ceann de na dlíodóirí ansin - cad é an scéal le Chavez - an bhfuil sé ag iarraidh bheith ina uachtarán i gcomhair a shaoil iomláin nó an bhfuil na meáin chumarsáide anseo ag cur 'spin' ar chúrsaí ós rud é nach bhfuil sé cairdiúil leis na Poncánaigh? Free article
A powerful message
13 March 2008
Magazine Review Iris - the republican magazine Issue No. 21. Price €7 Reviewed By Séamus Bergin Free article
Deireadh suarach don Fairytale
13 March 2008
Leirmheas TV Fairytale of Kathmandu RTÉ1 Leirmheas le Eoghan Mac Cormaic Free article
1916 Easter 2008 commemorations
13 March 2008
The deadline for Easter commemoration events notices is 12pm on Monday 17 March 2008. In order to be included notices must be received by Sinn Féin Head Office, Telephone (01) 8726100 or email sinnfeinadmin@ eircom.net, before the deadline. Honour Ireland's patriot dead - Wear an Easter Lily and attend your local Easter commemoration Free article
Matt Treacy
13 March 2008
ONE of the great boons which modern technology has brought to the GAA has been the advent of internet discussion forums. Free article