Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

29 September 2005 Edition

A moment of revolutionary opportunity

29 September 2005

What a week! Indeed what a year it has been for republicans. This week again the Army has taken another huge initiative, putting its weapons beyond use. Many republican activists will be looking back, reflecting upon the sacrifices made during our most difficult days of struggle, thinking of the friends we loved and lost, and perhaps looking forward with a little trepidation, asking where do we go from here? Thinking, what is my role in the time ahead? Free article

Book review: The Squad and the Intelligence Operations of Michael Collins

29 September 2005

The Squad and the Intelligence Operations of Michael Collins is reviewed by Matt Treacy Free article

TV Review: Dispatches

29 September 2005

Last Thursday's Dispatches on Channel 4 purported to be an investigation into the so-called Northern Bank job. Dramatic reconstructions were used along with breathless talkovers and the usual suspects were rolled out to say "yes it was the IRA what done it". As usual there was nothing offered in the way of proof and like so much of this type of politically-motivated journalism it was a case of the wish being the mother of the thought. Free article

Scoir armlón na Breataine

29 September 2005

With the IRA delivering on commitments made in relation to the weapons issue and the end of its armed campaign, the ball is firmly in the court of the British Government and unionists to deliver on their obligations under the Good Friday Agreement. Free article

Turas go Conamara

29 September 2005

One of the best kept secrets in Ireland is the cottage of Pádraig Mac Piarais in Rosmuc, Connemara. Tie it in with a trip to the Aran Islands, read the short stories of Mac Piarais before you go, and you will have one of the most memorable trips you could imagine. Free article

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Fifth Column

29 September 2005

The republican funnies page Free article

Dúirt Siad...

29 September 2005

Quotes of the week Free article

PREVIEW: Martin Ferris: Man of Kerry

29 September 2005

On the weekend before the All-Ireland Final I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at two Sinn Féin events in Kerry and sandwiched between them was a day and a half spent exploring the beauty, the welcome and the history of the North of that county. From the streets of Listowel to the Gaeltacht of Corca Dhuibhne, from the Conor Pass to Banna Strand, from an Daingean to Cnoc an Iúir we experienced a breathtaking country and its proud history. Free article


29 September 2005

On 6 December 1890, Justin McCarthy left Committee Room 15 to declare that Parnell had been removed from the leadership of the Irish Parliamentary Party and that he himself had been appointed the new leader. Two days earlier the Catholic Bishops had issued a manifesto from church pulpits calling for Parnell's disposition on moral grounds. Free article

Tyrone battalions triumph

29 September 2005

Watching a match from the upper tier in the Canal is a bit like poring over an anthill. You are far away but you get a great overview of everything that happens. Of course it is easier to maintain such Olympian detachment if your own county is not involved. Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1