Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

18 November 2004 Edition

Saying one thing, and doing it

18 November 2004

I've just been through a few months of what is known in this business as 'writer's block'. This happens from time to time and results in one's mind being frozen, unable to produce intelligible thoughts that can be transferred from the mind onto paper. Free article

The heart of the matter?

18 November 2004

"New Labour with guns" was how comedian Jeremy Hardy caricatured Sinn Féin as he compered the West Belfast Festival comedy night in 2003. Yes, we did laugh but perhaps with the realisation that there were many in Irish political and public life who would want to make a real life analogy between the two parties' recent histories as a method of negating Sinn Féin's growing success and political strength. Free article

Teamhair Abú!

18 November 2004

"It will be a monumental eyesore and permanent scar on this intact archaelogical environment." Conor Newman and Joe Fenwick, speaking on the plan to route the M3 motorway near Tara Hill Free article

The 5th Column

18 November 2004

An Phoblacht's famous weekly satirical column. Read on... Free article

One day in November - Remembering the Past

18 November 2004

On the morning of Sunday 21 November 1920, 84 years ago, the IRA carried out one of its most successful counter intelligence operations ever. The IRA's success during the Tan War forced the British to draft in agents/assassins from England. Free article

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1