Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

21 November 2002 Edition

Leaks, double standards and the new Deputy Chief Constable

21 November 2002

When is a 'leak' not a 'leak? Easy. When it's a press conference fronted by the Deputy Chief Constable Alan McQuillan. Free article

Dangerous fantasy

21 November 2002

Torsion: the twisting of a party by application of equal and opposite torques; the condition of twist and the shear stress produced by a torque on a part or component, twisted of being twisted, gripping pains... What, you may be asking yourself, has got into the head of this occasional columnist? What meandering of the mind has produced such tautology? Free article

Amnesty accuses Israel of war crimes

21 November 2002

Amnesty International says there is clear evidence that acts committed by the Israeli Army during 'Operation Defensive Shield' were war crimes. Free article

Dúshlán Mór roimh Ghaelscoileanna

21 November 2002

This week, AN DRAOI RUA discusses how Gaelscoileanna are now facing one of their greatest challenges in the development and encouragement of secondary level schools through the medium of Irish. Free article

Film Festival to show Colombia documentary

21 November 2002

A film exposing the United States role in Colombia is to be screened in West Belfast on Thursday 28 November. Free article

An Phoblacht
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