20 March 2003 Edition

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Meath Sinn Féin announces development project

Arthur Morgan TD last week officially launched the Sinn Fein Building Fund Appeal in the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. The plan is to raise sufficient funds to build new Sinn Féin offices in the town.

Councillor Joe Reilly said the day marked an important and historic day in the history of Sinn Fein in Meath. "From humble beginnings in Market Sq, to purchasing our present office in 1997, to now seeking to build new offices is a credit to the commitment of republicans in the county over many years," he said.

"Today, Sinn Féin spells out an ambitious five-year plan, which will see us not only building new offices but which aims, over the next five years, to have Sinn Féin councillors elected to every local authority body in Meath in 2004, to mount a major challenge for a European seat in Leinster and to elect a Sinn Féin TD for Meath at the next General Election.

"The present office structure can no longer meet the needs of the party. The new office is therefore our priority and will allow us to provide a better, more modern and efficient constituency service for the people of Meath. The new structure will also provide conference rooms etc for party organization in the county. We would hope to have the development completed for the Local and European Elections next year."

"This development plan reflects the growing strength of the party in Meath and in the wider European constituency of Leinster," said Arthur Morgan. "Sinn Féin now has four offices in the constituency of Leinster and plans for another office in Wexford in the near future are well advanced. The new Navan office, combined with the party's continued growth, means that Sinn Féin will be in a position to mount a massive challenge for a seat in European elections in June next year.

"Sinn Fein draws its strength not from big business but from ordinary members of the community. Therefore I am asking all of our friends and supporters to join the 'Twenty Euro a Month Club' as a means of funding this important and exiting project. I wish you well."

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1