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24 September 1998 Edition

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Dúirt siad...

We are mindful of the progress achieved by the peace process in Ireland, and that helped us in our deliberations about whether or not to declare a ceasefire... We have made our gesture. Now we await a gesture from the authorities in Madrid.

Harri Batasuna spokesperson on the ETA ceasefire called last week.


All of those interested in peace should now grasp this opportunity. I would urge all those involved, and particularly the Spanish government, to learn the lessons of our experience.

Gerry Adams on the ETA ceasefire.


Under the Agreement there can be no assembly without independent and interlocking institutions. In other words, there needs to be no further delay in forming the executive and the other structures. This must be done within the timeframe set out by the Agreement.

Gerry Adams. Wednesday 16 September.


These drug pushers go into school and drugs are available in areas right across the west of the city. For many years Sinn Féin has been saying that there are people across the city who are willing, for profit, to abuse young people by forcing them to sell drugs and also sell them to other young people and putting their lives in danger.

Sinn Féin Councillor Fra McCann at a press conference last week after the party put on show drugs handed over to Sinn Féin, which were afterwards destroyed.


Nurses are the lowest paid professionals in the health service, with the longest working week and the shortest holidays. We will not be deflected from accessing the industrial relations machinery of the state in pursuit of our rights.

Des Kavanagh of the Psychiatric Nurses Association on the deferral by the 26-County government of the implementation of pay recommendations by the Nurses Commission.


If the unionists want to bring this down, let them. When Gerry Adams says he cannot deliver the IRA, he's telling it like it is. David Trimble knew in the last few days before the deal was agreed that prior decommissioning wasn't going to happen. Jeffrey Donaldson knew it too, and walked out. They all knew, it had been negotiated exhaustively. Sinn Féin would not have signed up to the Agreement otherwise.

Sinn Féin spokesperson, Ireland On Sunday, 20 September.


By the end of the second day, Martin McGuinness was back at what the unionists insist he does best - bombing. Love bombing of course. To the great irritation of Paisley and his Democratic Unionists, the ``Godfather of Godfathers'' wants to kiss and make up. Cynicism aside, the assembled hacks reckoned his speech was one of the best of the two days, delivered with aplomb, conviction and plenty of Pinter-esque pregnant pauses.

Ann Cadwallader on the new Assembly. Ireland On Sunday.


The IRA was not defeated. Decommissioning is viewed by republicans and many nationalists as surrender and humliiation... It would amount to republicans accepting moral responsibility alone for all that has happened and it would also be foolhardy given what happened in 1969 when nationalist areas were left unprotected.

Sinn Féin Assembly member Gerry Kelly. Irish News, Monday 21 September.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1