Top Issue 1-2024

2 April 1998 Edition

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Editor's desk

The short-lived hunger strike by LVF prisoners in Long Kesh reminded many prisoners of a hunger strike in 1978 by a man who is now broadly sympathetic to the politics espoused by the LVF.

Kenny - now Pastor Kenny - McClinton went on hunger strike in Long Kesh. It was a pretty unique hunger strike. It lasted for 24 days and Kenny weighed almost a stone more at the end of it. It is said he was supplied with food during his `fast' by Shankill Butchers Basher Bates and Billy Moore.


Ireland on Sunday and the London Independent had `exclusive' stories this week. Ireland on Sunday had ``UN report targets RUC'' and on Tuesday the Independent had ``UN damns Ulster police intimidation''. Neither was an exclusive because An Phoblacht had the story two weeks ago, as you can see.


While Six County Saoirse chairperson may very publicly want POWs released, the private Meehan may be less dependable. On leaving Portlaoise Prison after a visit this week, Martin, his partner Breige and Eoghan MacCormaic (Saoirse national organiser) came to an unattended gate. Eoghan pulled open the bolt and walked through, followed by Breige. Martin walked through, then closed and bolted the gate behind him.

Upcoming Saoirse event: a picket on the Meehan residence?


How about this for a very suitable alteration for the NIO's expensive poster campaign? How to spend a few bob to improve beyond measure a multi-million pound campaign.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1