26 March 1998 Edition

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No ban on plastic bullets

NIO minister Lord Dubs last week rejected calls for a ban on the use of plastic bullets by the RUC and British Army in the Six Counties.

Lord Dubs said, ``new guidelines that come forward will ensure that the forces do have plastic bullets at their disposal but they will be trained - as they are now trained - to use them in limited circumstances.''

Despite rules that limit the use of plastic bullets to riot situations or if the lives of crown forces are endangered and say that they must only be fired at waist level at a distance of over 20 metres 17 people, mostly children, have been killed by this weapon. Hundreds of others have been seriously wounded.

Anti-plastic bullet campaigner Clara Reilly said: ``All those killed had been hit in the head or upper body. Over £1.5 million has been paid out in compensation to those injured or to the families of those murdered...yet no member of the crown forces has ever been convicted of these crimes.''

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1