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1 June 2015 Edition

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Sinn Féin Summer School 2015

Baile Bhuirne, County Cork, Friday & Saturday, 26 & 27 June

• Guardian columnist Owen Jones and ‘Che’ artist Jim Fitzpatrick among many thought-provoking speakers

Guardian columnist Owen Jones and ‘Che’ artist Jim Fitzpatrick among many thought-provoking speakers

THE Annual Sinn Féin Summer School goes from strength to strength and this year again features thought-provoking, outspoken figures. The 2015 line-up includes Guardian columnist and TV commentator Owen Jones, author of The Establishment’ and ‘Chavs: The Demonisation of the Working Class;  artist Jim Fitzpatrick, best known for his iconic images of Che Guevara and his Celtic mythology scenes;  John Brewer, Professor of Post-Conflict Studies of Queen’s University Belfast; UCD lecturer Julien Mercille, author of The Political Economy and Media Coverage of the European Economic Crisis: The Case of Ireland; and former Dublin All-Ireland winning footballer and transplant surgeon Dr David Hickey, who has been a long-time advocate for a better public health system.

Taking place in Baile Bhuirne, County Cork, on Friday & Saturday, 26 & 27 June, Sinn Féin leadership figures such as Gerry Adams TD, Mary Lou McDonald TD and Pearse Doherty TD will join the diverse range of speakers.

The Summer School will kick off with a discussion with Owen Jones and Julien Mercille on the question of ‘Have the Citizens of Europe had Enough of Neo-liberalism?’ This is in the context of the growth of the Left in Europe and the changing political landscape in Ireland.

Saturday morning will feature ‘Understanding and Overcoming Sectarianism in Ireland’, looking with Professor John Brewer of Queen’s University at its roots and causes but also at what needs to be done to eliminate sectarianism as part of building a better Ireland.

On Saturday afternoon, a panel of speakers will discuss ‘Solidarity and Interdependence: Why We Must Defend the Public Health System’.

Always popular with the Summer School audience, the arts section this year includes artist Jim Fitzpatrick, who will speak about the relationship between arts and politics today and his own long career, which has ranged from designing the covers of a Thin Lizzy album, to book illustrations and political posters such as his world-renowned Che portrait.

»Further details on speakers will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

»For updates on Twitter follow @SFSummerSchool


An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1