13 March 2008 Edition
Sinn Féin leaders launch Easter Lily campaign

Over the Easter period, Sinn Féin activists will distribute more than 100,000 leaflets, local commemorations will take place across the country, and events will be held in councils and town centres.
Martin Ferris TD and Senator Pearse Doherty have written to all TDs and senators, encouraging them to wear the Lily this Easter.
At Tuesday’s launch, Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD said:
“Sinn Féin is stepping up its campaigning for Irish unity and a task force has been set up to drive this project forward. We need to set out in detail the benefits of a united Ireland and to ensure that planning for national reunification is commended in a real and practical way. Critical to this project is the support and involvement of people across the island.
“It is in this spirit that we remember the men and women of 1916 who sacrificed so much for Irish freedom. The 1916 Proclamation of the Irish Republic sets out a vision of an independent Ireland, a society based on the principle of equality for all, on justice and real democracy.
“The benefits of the all-island economy are becoming more evident. All-Ireland co-operation and integration on all fronts, including the greater efficiencies and improved standards that can be delivered in health, education and other public services, are just a few examples of how all the people of Ireland can benefit from national reunification.
“The Easter Lily is an emblem of unity between the different traditions within the nation as well as the heroism of those who sacrificed so much in 1916. Today it symbolises the possibility of unity, equality and prosperity for all the peoples of the island.”