7 February 2008 Edition

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Time to establish All-Ireland Parliamentary Forum

THE issues of the all-Ireland parliamentary forum and Northern representation in the Oireachtas have been raised by Sinn Féin TDs and MLAs in a meeting between Leinster House party whips and the Six-County Assembly’s Committee on Procedures.
Sinn Féin representatives Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Francie Brolly MLA and Raymond McCartney MLA attended the meeting.
Aengus Ó Snodaigh said there needs to be much more done in terms of joint work between both institutions and Sinn Féin is looking for a programme of joint meetings between Oireachtas and Assembly committees.
“Such a programme of joint meetings is key if cross-border co-operation and integration is to be accelerated across areas of policy such as health, physical infrastructure and job creation and if the underdevelopment of the border region is to be tackled,” Ó Snodaigh said.
He added that Northern representation and the All-Ireland Parliamentary Forum are two particular issues which should have been progressed by now – ten years after the Good Friday Agreement.

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1