27 September 2007 Edition

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Orde wrong to retain PSNI full-time reserve

Alex Maskey

Alex Maskey

SOUTH BELFAST Sinn Féin MLA Alex Maskey has said Hugh Orde has made the wrong decision in retaining 382 PSNI full time reserve officers, a decision which is in direct violation of the Patten recommendations on policing.
Speaking last week following a meeting of the North’s policing Board Alex Maskey said the Sinn Féin members of the board had expressed their regret that Hugh Orde is to retain 382 full time reserve members. Maskey said that the decision was wrong.
“This regrettable decision to retain the reserve for another two - three years, is one which will be questioned by many.
“The implementation of the Patten proposals are about delivering good community policing and this move is in direct contravention of these recommendations.
“The argument to phase out this full time reserve is well founded and consistent. The fact is that Hugh Orde must implement the Patten recommendations without delay”, Maskey said.

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