21 June 2007 Edition
I nDíl Chuimhne
21 June 1978 Volunteer Denis BROWN, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion, 21 June 1978 Volunteer Jackie MAILEY, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion, Volunteer Jim MULVENNA, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion, 24 June 1974 Volunteer David RUSSELL, Derry Brigade, Volunteer Gerard CRAIG, Derry Brigade. “The Republic stands for truth and honour. For all that is noblest in our race. By truth and honour, principle and sacrifice alone will Ireland be free” - Liam Mellows. Always remembered by the Republican Movement.FULLERTON, Eddie (16th Ann). In proud memory of Sinn Féin Councillor Eddie Fullerton who was brutally murdered at his home in Buncrana Co Donegal on 25 May 1991 by British forces. From the Antoin Mac Giolla Bhride Cumann, Greencastle/ Moville.
COLLINS (nee Sheils) Eileen, peacefully at her home, 12 Cable Street, Derry on 12 June 2007. Very deeply regretted by her loving husband Jim, her children Jim, Patrick, Elaine, Tracey, Éamonn and Feargal, their spouses and partners, her grandchildren, and her wide circle of family and friends. “It is new strung and shall be heard.” – Society of United IrishmenCOLLINS (nee Sheils) Eileen who died 12 June 2007. Very sadly missed. Will always be remembered with deep love and pride by her daughter Tracey, son-in-law Jarlath, and grandchildren Deirbhile and Ríoghnach.
“Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.” – Bobby Sands
COLLINS (nee Sheils) Eileen who died 12 June 2007. With deep regret. Will always be remembered with pride and affection by her loving daughter Elaine, son-in-law Éamonn, and grandchildren Conall, Éamonn Óg and Seamus. “To unite the whole people of Ireland, to abolish the memory of all past dissensions, and to substitute the common name of Irishman in place of the denominations of Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter – these were my means.” – Wolfe Tone
CROWLEY, May. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of May Crowley, mother of the late Volunteer Dermot Crowley, who died recently. From the Republican Movement Cork, from Sinn Féin Corcaigh, from the Volunteers Ahern/Crowley Cumann.
CROWLEY, May. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Crowley family on the death of their Mother (May) from Don Bullman and all our Republican Prisoners in Portlaoise Gaol.
CROWLEY, May. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Crowley family on the death of their Mother (May) from the Ahern/Crowley Cumann Cork.
GARRY, Chiarán. Ba mhaith le na baill agus iar bhaill de Cumann Ollscoil na Gaillimhe comhbhrón a dhéanamh le Muintir Garry, Corcaigh le bás Chiarán, ceann de na bunaitheoirí den ár gcumann.
McCARTHY. Deepest sympathy is extended to Neil McCarthy and family on the death of his father, From Don Bullman Portlaoise Gaol
SWENEY Séan.( London) Sincere condolences to Madge and children and grand-children on the death of their father Seán.From friends and comrades in the West London Republican Support Group Hammersmith.