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10 August 2006 Edition

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Duirt Siad.....

For the world, this has been a catastrophic three weeks. We have all been sickened by the violence conducted in this fashion, apprently on behalf of western democratic standards.

"Why will nobody save us?" a distressed old woman cried in a news bulletin from the bombed city of Tyre.

Can somebody please answer her question?Tom MCGurk, Sunday Business Post 6 August.

The electricity is back and I torture myself by watching CNN which is reporting this slaughter as if it is a football match.Robert Fisk on his experiences in Lebanon following the massacre at Qana Sunday Tribune, 6 August.

In the pads, male prisoners were obliged to wear underpants only. Some difficult or very mentally ill prisoners were kept naked for their own protection. The report describes how the pads were never cleaned and how "Murphy drank his own urine" as he was so ill. He "lost track of day and night" while he was locked up in conditions Dr Bresnihan believes amounted to an "abomination".Conor McMorrow quoting from a report by Dr Valerie Bresnihan on the treatment meted out to David Murphy in Mounjoy jail between 1997 and 1998. Sunday Tribune 6 August.

The British were steadfast in opposing any compromise. But republican prisoners were not criminal. How could anyone involved in the conflict put a prison uniform on? There was just no other way at the time. I can't believe the brutality heaped on the prisoners at that time. In many ways we became used to the prison regime.Sinn Féin Chair of Magherfelt District Council and former blanketman and friend of Thomas McElwee, Ian Milne talking about the 1981 Hunger Strike. Daily Ireland, 8 August.

Lady Sylvia and myself had the meeting last week to discuss an independent judicial inquiry for young Raymond. Peter Hain started to doze off several times, nodded the head, his eyes closed and showed no interest whatsoever. Ramond McCord snr, on a recent meeting with Peter Hain regarding his son's murder at the hands of the UVF in 1997. The Irish Times 8 August.

"All children now want to grow up to fight Israel. It's shameful how we are being treated. What have we as children ever done to them? Nobody cares what happens to us, nobody will do anything if we don't defend ourselves." Eleven-year-old Zahra speaking, interviwed at a school in West Beirut. Irish Times, 9 August.

I think it is very obvious to any right-thinking person that an immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon is essential.Gerry Adams, addressing a rally outside Belfast City Hall on Tuesday to voice opposition to the war in Lebanon. Irish News, 9 August.

An Phoblacht
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