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9 February 2006 Edition

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Dúirt Siad...

I don't like her because she is dishonest. She pretends to love this province but she hates it.

DUP leader Ian Paisley insults President Mary McAleese at the DUP's weekend conference.

Unaccepted, unwarranted and untrue.

Dublin Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern criticises Paisley's comments on McAleese.

Everyone knows there is stuff out there.

A senior PSNI officer reveals the depths of his organisation's 'intelligence' on IRA arms. The Belfast Telegraph, Monday 6 February.

The only murder documented by the IMC was the work of the loyalist paramilitary Ulster Defence Association, whilst so-called loyalist punishment shootings outnumbered republican ones by 22 to nil.

Journalist Mark Davenport asks why anyone taking the IMC report seriously could still place the focus on the IRA. BBC, Saturday 4 February.

Daily Ireland does not underestimate the task of bringing into the 21st Century a man who considers line dancing immoral and believes this planet was created 6,000 years ago but that is the task facing Messrs Blair and Ahern.

Daily Ireland's editorial does not think DUP leader Ian Paisley should be allowed to hold up progress at this week's talks. Monday 6 February.

A national agreement cannot have credibility in the wider society if it fails to address situations such as the fact that one in every five people has an income equivalent to less than €200 a week.

Fr Seán Healy, Cori Justice Commission spokesman, as the Taoiseach discusses a ten-year national agreement.

My opinion is that if these intelligence agents are expelled, they [Britain] will send new ones. These new people may prove to be smart. In this case, we will have to go to much trouble spotting them. Think about it.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says four British diplomats accused of espionage should not be expelled.

I do intend to publish a series of books about my experiences in politics.

Alastair Campbell arouses new fears in Whitehall.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1