9 February 2006 Edition
DOYLE, Joe (7th Ann). Always remembered by sister Katie and family. And his friends and comrades in West London Republican Support Group, Hammersmith.
HADDOCK (nee Hickey) Eileen, former OC Armagh Jail, died on 2 February 2006. Deepest sympathy to Johnny and the extended Haddock and Hickey families, on the death of Eileen, a deeply committed Volunteer, and much loved and respected comrade and friend. Will be remembered always with pride and affection. Pól, Patricia, Máire and Bronagh Wilson. Mass offered. Liberty and Strength.
MacBRIDE. Anne and Shauneen. Deepest sympathy to Damien and the entire MacBride family on the tragic death of Anne and Shauneen. You are all in our thoughts at this sad time.Deeply regretted by Mary and Tuso.
MacBRIDE Anne and Shauneen. Sincere sympathy to Damien and family on the death of your beloved wife, mother and sister. St Theresa pray for them. Very deeply regretted by the McArdle Family.
McNEILL, Bob (7th Ann). Always remembered by his friends and comrades in West London Republican Support Group, Hammersmith.
MOORE. The officers and members of the Hugh Mac Cooey Cumann, Sinn Féin, Scotshouse, County Monaghan, wish to extend their deepest sympathy on the death of William Moore of Sandhills to Wife, Sons, Daughters, Gerry and extended family. William, who departed to his eternal reward, and will be sadly missed by all who knew him a much valued member of our community. Suaimhneas na bhFhlaitheas da anam dílis.
O'NEILL. Birthday greetings to Mike O'Neill, Castlerea Prison. Happy birthday Mike from all your friends on County Meath.
I nDíl Chuimhne
Feb. 6th 1971: Vol James Saunders, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 6th 1989: Vol James Joseph Connolly, Tyrone Brigade; Feb. 7th 1982: Vol Danny McMullan, County Derry Brigade; Feb. 9th 1975: Vol Bridie Dolan, Cumann na mBan, Belfast; Feb. 10th 1972: Vol Joseph Cunningham, Belfast Brigade, 3rd Battalion; Feb. 10th 1973: Vol Leo O'Hanlon, South Down Command; Feb. 10th 1973: Vol Vivien Fitzsimmons, Cumann na mBan Downpatrick; Feb. 12th 1976: Fian James O'Neill, Fianna Éireann; Feb. 12th 1976: Vol Francis Stagg, (Wakefield Prison), England. "Never had man or women a grander cause, never was a cause more grandly served." — James Connolly. Always remembered by their many friends and comrades in the Republican Movement.
BRADLEY, Francis ( 20th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Francis Bradley, who was murdered on 18 February 1986. Always remembered by By the Séamus Steele SF Cumann Newbridge; Magherafelt S F Cumann, the Casement/Kelly/Highstead SF Cumann Maghera; by Ballinascreen SF Cumann; Fergal O'Hanlon/John Davey SF Cumann, Lavey; By the Hughes/Connolly/McElwee SF Cumann Bellaghy; By the McCusker/McMullan/O'Hagan SF Cumann Swatragh; By the Thomas McElwee SF Cumann Greenlough; By Magherafelt SF cumann; By the South Derry Sinn Féin Comhairle Ceantair; By the Counties Derry and Antrim Republican Graves Association.
CONNOLLY, James Joseph (17th Ann). In Proud and Loving Memory of our dear son and brother Vol. James Joseph Connolly, Tyrone Brigade, Óglaigh na h‚Éireann, who was killed on active service on 6 February 1989, aged 20 years RIP. "Never had man nor woman a grander cause, never was a cause more grandly served." — James Connolly. Always remembered with love and pride by your mother Anna, brother Barry and sister Áine.
Connolly, James, Joseph (17th Anniversary)
CONNOLLY, James Joseph (17th Ann). In Proud and Loving Memory of my dear brother Volunteer James Joseph Connolly, Tyrone Brigade, Óglaigh na h‚Éireann, who was killed on active service on 6 February 1989, aged 20 years RIP. Always remembered with love and pride by your brother Kevin, Susie, nephews James Joseph and Cathair.
DAVEY, John (7th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Sinn Féin Councillor John Davey who was shot dead on14 February 1989. Always remembered by John Davey SF Cumann Glanarm, County Antrim.
MacMANUS, Joseph (14th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Joe MacManus, killed on active service on 5 February 1992. Always remembered with love and pride by Jimmy and Conor. Ed O'Brien, who died on 18 February 1996. Always remembered by Mick and Theresa McRedmond and family.
McMANUS, Paddy (8th Ann). In proud and loving memory of our dear friend, Sinn Féin Councillor Paddy Mac, who died on 9 February 1998. Always loved and remembered. Forever our friend from Pat, Liam, Margaret and Joanne McGivern , also Theresa McIvor and Family.
McMULLAN, Danny (24th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Vol. Danny McMullan who died on 7 February 1982. Always remembered By the McCusker/McMullan/O'Hagan SF Cumann Swatragh, by the Casement/Kelly/Highstead SF Cumann Maghera; by Ballinascreen SF Cumann; Fergal O'Hanlon/John Davey SF Cumann, Lavey; By the Hughes/Connolly/McElwee SF Cumann Bellaghy; By the Thomas McElwee SF Cumann Greenlough; By the Séamus Steele SF Cumann Newbridge; By Magherafelt SF cumann; By Robert Emmett/Mickey McEldowney SF Cumann Slaughtneil, By the South Derry Sinn Féin Comhairle Ceantair; By the Counties Derry and Antrim Republican Graves Association.
O'BRIEN, Edward (10th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Ed O'Brien, killed on 18 February 1996. Always remembered and loved, never to be forgotten by his brother Gerry and Gillian.
O'BRIEN, Edward (10th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Ed O'Brien, killed on 18 February 1996. Always remembered by Gerry and Martina.
O'BRIEN, Edward (10th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Ed O'Brien, killed on 18 February 1996. Always remembered by uncle Edward.
O'BRIEN, Edward (10th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Volunteer Ed O'Brien, killed on 18 February 1996. Always remembered by the Ed O'Brien SF Cumann, Gorey; By the Leinster SF Cuige.
STAGG, (30th Ann). In proud and loving memory of Oglach Frank Stagg, Oglaigh na hÉireann, who died on hunger strike, 12 February 1976. Always remembered, Pól, Patricia Wilson and family, Belfast.
Notices Deadline
The deadline for notices is 5pm on Monday before publication. In order to be included notices must be received by post, phone or fax at our Dublin or Belfast offices before the deadline.