Issue 2 - 2024 200dpi

2 April 2012 Edition

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Imeachtaí | Events


JACK CROWE GOLF CLASSIC: K- Club, 11am start Saturday 7th April 2012. 4 Ball €300, Breakfast included, nearest to the pin and longest drive prizes. To book contact Stephen 087 613 6748 or Cathal 086 318 6098.

EASTER SUNDAY FUNCTION: 4.30pm Sunday 8th April 2012. Abbey Hotel, Abbey Street. Featuring : Andrea Rice Band. Taille €5. Organised by Dublin Sinn Féin.


LE CHÉILE 2012: An event to honour Irish Republicans commitment to the struggle for Irish independence . Saturday 26 May in the Gleneagles Hotel, Killarney, County Kerry. Tickets are priced €40 and areas are asked to take out advertisements in the Le Chéile brochure showing their appreciation for this year’s honourees, who are:

Cúige Uladh: Mary Nelis

Cúige Mumhan: Paddy Fitzmaurice

Cúige Laighean: Des Ferguson

Cúige Connacht: Teresa Bradley

International: Terry O’Sullivan, USA

Brochure advertisement prices are:-

Gold Page: €500/£500

Full Page: €200/£180

Half Page: €100/£90

Quarter Page: €50/£45

Tickets are available from Brian Dowling

Wording, photograph and/or logo and payment for advertisements should be sent to:

[email protected]

Sinn Féin Finance Dept, 58 Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Telephone: 01 873 3611  •  Mobile: 00 353 87 230 1882


An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1