15 September 2005 Edition
British say UVF ceasefire over
Although both the UVF and UDA were involved in orchestrating the violence across the North, before, during and after Saturday's Whiterock parade, British Secretary of State Peter Hain has decided to specify the UVF ceasefire while continuing with the farce that the UDA is observing its ceasefire.
As of midnight on Tuesday 13 September the British Government, "specified", the UVF ceasefire and that of it's 'sister' organisation the Red Hand Commando (RHC).
British Secretary of State Peter Hain said he took the decision, because of the organisations' involvement in serious disturbances during and after the Orange Order's Whiterock parade in West Belfast on Saturday 10 September and because of the UVF's killing of four loyalists since July in it's feud with the LVF. "I have reviewed the status of all specified and other paramilitary organisations, as I am obliged to do so under legislation and concluded there are sufficient grounds to specify the UVF/RHC," said Hain.
"There is no change to the status of other specified organisations," he added and went on to say: "I intend to lay an order before the British Parliament to that effect".