11 August 2005 Edition
Meeting on troubled Killybegs port
Donegal County Council is to organise a major meeting to discuss future economic development in the troubled Killybegs fishing port. The meeting will be representative of all sectors of local community.
The latest development is a result of a motion by Sinn Féin Councillor Thomas Pringle. "I have continuously pressed the need to develop an Enterprise Park in Killybegs. Last year Donegal County Council carried out a market assessment of the area to assess the need for such a development. The main recommendation of this report was that an Enterprise Officer be employed to move this project forward."
"The council is considering sponsoring an application for funding to employ this officer and the meeting will be the first step in making this a reality. The development of the Enterprise Park could be the catalyst that the southwest of the County needs to spark continued and sustainable economic growth in the area.