30 June 2005 Edition

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Huge turnout for funeral of former republican prisoner

There was a large turnout for the funeral in Derry on Wednesday 15 June of former republican prisoner and blanketman, Tony Quigley.

Tony, a 59-year-old father of three, died in Altnagelvin Hospital after a short illness.

Apart from the large contingent of Derry republicans in attendance, many former republican prisoners travelled from across the North to be with the Quigley family at the funeral, one of the biggest seen in the city for some time.

Tony's coffin, draped in a Tricolour, was accompanied by a Guard of Honour of former POWs from his Philip Street home to nearby St Patrick's Church Pennyburn, which was packed to capacity for Requiem Mass, with many listening outside in the rain.

Following the service, Tony, originally from the Greenwalk area of Creggan, was laid to rest in the City Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife Trish, sons Stephen and CiarĂ¡n and daughter Janette, and an extensive family of brothers and sisters at home and abroad.

The Quigley family have asked us to express their gratitude to everyone who attended the funeral and called to the house during the wake.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1