30 June 2005 Edition

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Minister not listening over suicide

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams says remarks on Tuesday by Direct Rule Minister Shaun Woodward seeking to abdicate responsibility for the failure of the Department of Health over the issue of suicide in the Six Counties have damaged confidence in his ability to deal with this very serious issue.

"Shaun Woodward met with families bereaved by suicide and community activists last week," said Adams. "He heard from them their experience of suicide. He claimed he was in listening mode. However, based on his remarks today, he clearly wasn't listening to those he met last week.

"What greater failure could there be than having more people, especially young people, die in the whole of Ireland as a result of suicide than in most other countries in Europe.

"Undoubtedly, the conflict in all it forms has had an impact on suicide. However, the evidence shows that social deprivation, unemployment, the lack of community resources, the underfunding of mental health services, and above all, the failure to develop a strategic approach to suicide prevention, are in fact the greater cause of the higher than average levels of suicide, particularly amongst our young people.

"Whilst Shaun Woodward holds the position of British direct ruler with responsibility for Health, he is responsible for the unforgivable failure of his Department to develop, fund and implement a suicide prevention strategy. Sinn Féin, together with families bereaved through suicide, and communities across the Six Counties, will hold him accountable for rectifying that failure. No more excuses Mr Woodward — we want delivery of the strategies, policies and resources this serious issue requires."

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1