9 June 2005 Edition
Mála Poist
Hear about Cuba's doctors
A Chairde,
There is growing awareness, which is giving rise to serious questioning about the impact that the intellectual brain drain in the form of medical personnel like nurses and doctors from the majority world countries to the developed capitalist countries of Europe and North America is having upon the populations of those countries.
While we in Ireland are the benefices of such a brain drain, the impact upon those countries from which these medical personnel come from is overlooked, ignored or little understood. But not all countries apply such predatory approach to sharing resources, knowledge and experience, even if those resources are required at home.
Cuba now has tens of thousands of doctors and other medical personnel working in many majority world countries. Cuba's approach to international solidarity and the assistance that it gives to many countries is in sharp contrast to the approach of our own and other developed countries.
We would like to invite the readers of An Phoblacht to come along and hear about the internationalist role played by Cuban doctors in many majority world countries.. The Cuban chargé d'affairs to Ireland, Teresita Trujillo, will speak on this topic on Wednesday 15 June at 8.15pm in the Teachers' Club, 36 Parnell Square (West). All are welcome.
Eugene McCartan,
Communist Party of Ireland, Dublin.
Falls Curfew commemoration
A Chairde,
This year sees the 35th anniversary of one of the most important events in the history of the conflict in Belfast, the Falls Road Curfew from 1-3 July 1970.
As part of Sinn Féin Cead Bliain celebrations, a series of events have been organised to commemorate this significant event in modern Irish history. On Friday 1 July a panel of local republicans, who led the resistance to the Curfew will give their recollections of those turbulent days at an event in the Seán Mac Diarmada GAA Clubrooms (facing the Dunville Park) beginning at 8pm.
On Saturday 2 July a plaque commemorating those murdered during the Curfew by the British Army will be unveiled at the 7-10 shop next door to the Sinn Féin Centre at 2pm. This will be followed by a special video showing of The Curfew, along with a photographic exhibition, compiled by local republicans, of life under curfew, again in the Mac Diarmada GAC.
On Sunday 3 July there will be a re-enactment of the breaking of the Curfew by women of Belfast, starting at 2pm at Cavendish Street outside St Paul's Chapel. This will be followed by a political discussion and social function afterwards in the Mac Diarmada GAC.
We would appeal to everyone who lived in the Falls at the time but who have since moved to make a special effort to return and take part in the weekend of events.
The Falls Curfew was a watershed in modern Irish history and marked a clear turning point in the relationship between the British crown forces and the nationalist community.
People who have any old photographs they would like to be shown as part of the exhibition can contact Gerard or Robert @90508989 where they can be copied and the originals returned.
We would urge everyone to show their support for the people of the Falls by attending the weekend of events.
Gerard Fusco and Robert McClenaghan,
Béal Feirste.
Fair deal for fishing communities
A Chairde,
Congratulations to the scallop fishermen of the southeast on their bold action of Monday 6 June.
This small group of fishermen, who have developed their fishery and improved their boats, many with the encouragement of the Department of the Marine, took drastic action to try and save their livelihoods and bring attention to their plight by the only action that would grab the attention of an uncaring government.
The Department of the Marine are supposed to be charged with the development of the Irish fishing industry but appear to be more intent on its destruction, hoping that it will go away quietly. For years, fishing communities have been fed a diet of an uncaring EU that is the cause of our woes, but in reality it is a department that lacks vision and the political will to attempt to secure a fair deal for our communities.
Even at this late stage, a government that would enter into meaningful negotiations with our EU neighbours, could have huge benefits for all fishing communities and help regenerate declining communities along the west and south coasts. The EU has benefitted hugely from the national resource off our coast, far more than the value of structural funds and CAP payments, which we have been told we should have been grateful to receive.
The blockade of Rosslare should be a clarion call to all fishing communities to fight in a way that will make Ireland plc. take notice and try and provide a future for all fishing communities.
Cllr Thomas Pringle,
Killybegs, County Donegal.
Mayo Sinn Féin history wanted
A Chairde,
The Céad Bliain exhibition is going to be displayed in the Mayo County Library from 21 June to about 5 July. It is a national exhibition and so, unfortunately, no local (Mayo) party history is incorporated into it.
I am asking anyone with pictures, information, names of candidates, etc, in relation to Sinn Féin in Mayo over the last 100 years to contact me on 087-9857892 or by email at [email protected].
Items received will form part of a Mayo section that will join the exhibition in Castlebar. All items will, of course, be returned after the two weeks of the exhibition.
Noel Campbell,
Castlebar, County Mayo.