19 August 2004 Edition
Listening to the unheard voices

Joe O'Donnell
Recently elected Deputy Mayor of Belfast Joe O'Donnell will be guided in his year in office by a desire to give a platform to those in this city from various backgrounds "who are doing sterling work yet whose voices are often not heard".
The Sinn Féin representative is due to speak this morning to an invited audience of community groups and representative organisations
"In my year of office, I intend to represent all the people of Belfast regardless of class, creed or ethnic origin and to fulfil this role to the best of my ability," he says.
"The theme of my speech today is Unheard Voices, because I want those people who live in this space to hear what I have to say to them and on their behalf, to others of influence in Belfast.
"I know only to well what it is like to be part of a community whose voice is not heard. I grew up in the Short Strand in East Belfast. The people of that area have lived an isolated existence for many, many years. They like many others in our city who live in interfaces (regardless of whatever religious background they come from) want and need their quality of life to improve.
"Recently, I launched a public initiative in East Belfast with David Ervine, in an attempt not only to address the issues which affect cross-community violence at interfaces but also the many social, environmental and economic problems that continue to afflict these areas.
"I will vigorously pursue that issue over my term in office and beyond.
"The Short Strand community is vibrant, multi-talented and has made a great contribution to the life of Belfast, yet they have received little recognition.
"There are many other vibrant and multi-talented communities who make a great contribution to everyday life in Belfast yet receive little or no recognition. I believe this can be said of the elderly, the disabled, the many ethnic peoples, gay people, homeless, women, Travellers, those living in working class unionist and nationalist areas and those who work in the community and voluntary sector.
"When all of these groups are taken together they make up a considerable portion of the people of Belfast.
"Yet rarely do they receive due recognition beyond the group they are working in.
"Belfast City Council should take the necessary steps to recognise this work.
"I believe they have gone some way in doing so; the council's equality officer is already involved in the process of setting up an Equality Consultation Forum.
"I also think the City Council should formally acknowledge the work of these groups by making an annual Council award for services rendered.
"The purpose behind the approach I am taking as Deputy Mayor is to validate the work that is being done everyday of the week across this city but it is unseen except by those directly involved.
"This situation has to end and I believe that those like myself with civic responsibility have to help bring about the required change.
"I believe Belfast City Council should see this area of work as central to its yearlong programme."