16 October 2003 Edition
o SF FUNCTION: Featuring the Irish Brigade. 8pm Friday 17 October, the Lanterns, Harold's X, DUBLIN. Táille €7. Info from Dave: 086-2572249
o SF FUNCTION: Featuring Seannachaí. 9.30pm Friday 17 October, Valley Lodge Hotel, CARRICKMACROSS, County Monaghan
o COLOMBIA 3 BENEFIT: Featuring Rebel Hearts. 9pm Saturday 18 October, Village Inn, KILKENNY CITY.
o PRESENTATION: Building an Ireland of Equals: Sinn Féin presents its Cross 'Border' Corridor Strategy. 11am-1pm Saturday 18 October, Palace Stables Heritage Centre, Palace Domain, ARMAGH
o ROGER CASEMENT SYMPOSIUM: Seventh Annual Symposium - The World and Words of Roger Casement The Roger Casement Foundation. 11am-5pm Saturday, 18 October, Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, DUBLIN. All day event. Adm free
o FUNDRAISING FUNCTION: Featuring Shebeen and special guests, including
world championship Irish dancers. 8.30pm til late Saturday 18 October,
Erdington, BIRMINGHAM, England. Tickets £10. Call: 0121 354 4511 OR 07930
118 328. www.unit edirishassociation.com
o PUB QUIZ: 7th Annual Che Guevara Pub Quiz. 8pm Wednesday 22 October,
Mother Red Caps, Back Lane, Christchurch, DUBLIN. In aid of the Cuba Support
Group and the Latin America Solidarity Centre. €20 per Team of 4.
Individuals welcome, teams will be set up. Prizes: Cuban rum and much more.
Contact the Cuba Support Group for further information at
[email protected]
o SF FUNCTION: Featuring The Spirit of Freedom. 9pm Friday 24 October,
Finches pub, Quarryvale, Clondalkin, DUBLIN. Táille €7. Info from 087-2270807
o IRISH NIGHT: In aid of newly-formed Volunteer Louis Leonard/Jim Murphy
Memorial Flute Band, Fermanagh. Friday 24 October, Roche's Bar, KINAWLEY.
Music by Céilí Swing. Táille £5.
o FOOTBALL MATCH: Assemble 3.30pm Sunday 26 October, Naomh Malachí GAA
Pitch, SHEELAGH, County Louth, Followed by Irish Night in Club Rooms with
Blunder Brow. Followed by disco. Táille €10/£7. Proceeds to new banner and
memorial to two Volunteers
o SF FUNCTION: 10 til late Sunday 26 October, Carraghter's Bar, TULLAMORE,
County Offaly. Music by the Clare Celts
o SF PUBLIC MEETING: Dublin's Housing Crisis. 7.30pm Thursday 28 October,
Holiday Inn, Pearse Street, DUBLIN. Speakers from the Simon Community and
Focus Ireland
o SET DANCE FOR NICARAGUA: Set dancing classes. 7.45-9.30pm Wednesday 29
October, Social Hall, Liberty Hall, DUBLIN. All proceeds to Ean Barrio
School Project in Managua
o SF FUNCTION: Featuring Spirit of Freedom. Friday 31 October, the Lantern,
Harold's X, DUBLIN. Holloween fancy dress. Prizes for best dressed. Táille €7
o WEST TYRONE DEMIL WEEKEND: Friday 31 October: Function with Flying Column
and Talk by Ex-POWs. Molly Sweeney's pub, OMAGH, County Tyrone; Saturday 1
November: Talks and discussions: Demil, Policing, Drugs Awareness, Great
Escape '83, Future of Ogra, Peace Process. Speakers: Barry McElduff, Tony
Kelly, Tony Catney. Video showing. Function afterwards in Molly Sweeney's
featuring Spirit of Freedom and Martin Hurson RFB; Sunday 2 November:
Football match. Ogra vs Ex-POWs. Demil protest. Info from 028-82253040 re
billets etc
o MONUMENT ERECTION: 90th Anns. For 1913 Lockout Martyr James Byrne.
Assemble 2pm Saturday 1 November, Main Entrance, Deans Grange Cemetery,
DUBLIN. Unveiling by Des Geraghty (SIPTU)
o COLOMBIA 3 MOUNTAIN WALK: Assemble 2pm Saturday 1 November, Sliabh na mBÁn
(on Limerick Road, approx 6 miles outside Waterford City). Details from
Kevin on 087-7406354
o REPUBLICAN COMMEMORATION: Annual Kevin Barry commemoration. Assemble
Sunday 2 November, Lawlor's pub, RATHVILLY, County Carlow. Speaker: Aengus Ó
Snodaigh TD. RFB in attendance. Refreshments afterwards in Lawlor's pub, all
o Irish Night featuring the Irish Brigade in Katy Daly's, Railway Road,
STRABANE. Friday 7 November, 10 til late. Táille: £5 or €8
o SF BALLAD NIGHT: Featuring the Irishy Brigade. Thursday 13 November, Drake
Inn, Finglas, DUBLIN. Táille €7
o COLOMBIA 3 BENEFIT: Featuring the Irish Brigade. Friday 14 November,
Brookwood Inn, Blanchardstown, DUBLIN. Táille €7
o PLAY: The Risen People by James Plunket. Runs 8pm Thursday 20 November to
Saturday 29 November, Liberty Hall, Eden Quay, DUBLIN. Ticket €12. Tickets
from Ticket Bureau at 01-872 1122, www.centralticketbureau.com