9 May 2002 Edition
Plain sailing for McGuinness and Ó Caoláin in Cavan
Sinn Féin Education Minister and chief negotiator Martin McGuinness accompanied Sinn Féin general election candidate Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin on a tour of County Cavan on the afternoon of Wednesday 1 May. The May Day visit began in Ballyconnell, where the two Sinn Féin leaders canvassed people in the streets of the town. They then took to the Ballinamore to Ballyconnell Canal by cruiser. Both expressed their support for the development of the Shannon/Erne waterway linking the Shannon to the Erne system.
From Ballyconnell it was on to Cavan town, where they met constituents. McGuinness said that while it was a brief visit, he had sensed "a depth of good will towards Caoimhghín and Sinn Féin". He predicted that it would be "a very good general election for Sinn Féin throughout this State and Caoimhghín will be part of a strong team in Leinster House".
From Ballyconnell it was on to Cavan town, where they met constituents. McGuinness said that while it was a brief visit, he had sensed "a depth of good will towards Caoimhghín and Sinn Féin". He predicted that it would be "a very good general election for Sinn Féin throughout this State and Caoimhghín will be part of a strong team in Leinster House".