Top Issue 1-2024

21 February 2002 Edition

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Sinn Féin launches campaign for a No vote

Sinn Féin spokesperson on the abortion referendum, Mary Lou McDonald, has accused the Fianna Fáil/PD government of once again abjectly failing the electorate by rushing through a referendum without adequate debate. Speaking at a press conference in Dublin on Wednesday, where Sinn Féin launched its campaign for a No vote, McDonald said: "Sinn Féin is opposed to the 25th Amendment to the Constitution because we believe that the government's proposals do not adequately address or resolve the complex issues which are involved."

The Sinn Féin spokesperson said the proposals:

Do not have due regard to the equal right to life of the mother;
Seek to overturn the Supreme Court judgement in the 'X Case' and therefore eliminate suicide as a ground for access to abortion;
Will criminalise women who, for whatever desperate reasons, choose the option of abortion;
Are possibly unconstitutional. If the amendment is passed, the Oireachtas will be required to pass legislation which it cannot amend without a further referendum. This runs the risk of further legal action and another referendum.
"Sinn Féin has long argued that the constitution is not the appropriate place to deal with the complex issue of abortion," said McDonald. "Sinn Féin supports the introduction of legislation to implement the Supreme Court decision in the X

case. We will be approaching this referendum in much the same way as we approached the Treaty of Nice campaign. We will be engaging with the electorate on the doorsteps in the course of canvassing for the general election.

"It has become evident from the returns that we are getting on the doorsteps to date that once again that there has been a failure on behalf of the government to encourage and allow a properly informed debate. We have already seen senior members of the government engaging in scaremongering tactics to further confuse the arguments. It would appear that their campaign has so far has only served to cause maximum confusion on the issue.

"The government has a duty to facilitate a rationale debate on all issues.

Party political interests must be set aside to ensure that maximum information is available so that properly informed decisions can be reached.

"The government tried and failed to hoodwink the electorate on the Treaty of Nice. Their attitude to this referendum and the dishonest manner in which they are engaging in the debate will ensure that they will fail again."

Also speaking at the launch, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD said:

"As we meet today, we have a crisis in the Accident and Emergency units of our hospitals which has led to threatened industrial action by staff. We have a grossly inequitable health service which cannot cope with the needs of our citizens. In the education sector we have primary schools falling into dilapidation and secondary schools about to be convulsed once again because the government will not reach a just settlement with teachers. And what does the government give us, and what will dominate political debate for the next month and beyond? An abortion referendum.

"We in Sinn Féin are opposed to the holding of this unnecessary referendum. The Constitution is not and never has been the place to deal with the complex issue of abortion. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, we as a society, and legislators in particular, will still have to deal with the reality that some 6,000 women every year leave Ireland to have their pregnancies terminated.

"However, if the proposed amendment is adopted, the Oireachtas will be required to pass legislation which it cannot amend without a further referendum. The hands of the legislators will be tied. It will require a referendum to amend the legislation which this amendment enshrines and, most probably also, to introduce new but related legislation. How many more times will it be necessary to amend the Constitution on this issue?

"The mechanism of an amendment enshrining legislation in this way is highly questionable in our view. It may well be open to future legal challenge in the courts.

"The government has ruled out the option of maintaining the status quo or legislating for the X case. This is regrettable. More regrettable still is the excuse offered. The Taoiseach has said that such legislation would lead to a liberal abortion regime, abortion on demand. This means in effect that the government does not trust women and they are not prepared to trust medical

professionals. They are telling us that women will pretend to be suicidal and that the medical profession will support that pretence.

"The Attorney-General, Michael McDowell, who is anchoring this referendum, stated in 1992, referring to the X case: 'Rolling back the Supreme Court decision is a euphemism for tilting the scales of justice so as to force Irish women (including rape victims) to carry a real and substantial risk.' Mr McDowell has presented no sound reason for his change of opinion.

"Sinn Féin policy states that we are opposed to the attitudes and forces in society that compel women to have abortions and which criminalise those who do. This amendment and legislation continues the criminalisation of women and it does nothing to address the attitudes and forces which so often result in women making that choice.

"Little attention has been paid in the debate so far to the need for comprehensive measures to assist women with crisis pregnancies. The government made much of the establishment of the Crisis Pregnancy Agency, which was announced at the same time as this referendum. But the Crisis Pregnancy Agency is an inadequate response to this issue, as the Irish Family Planning Association, among others, has pointed out. Despite its name, the Agency will not be providing a service directly to women with crisis pregnancies but will be an umbrella body, co-ordinating policy and strategy.

"One of the major factors leading to crisis pregnancies is the lack of comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education. Universal free access to such information and services is needed. Similarly the support systems and services for women with crisis pregnancies are still inadequate. This is the area we should be concentrating on as legislators and as a society generally.

Such an approach could help to reduce the number of women who make the journey to Britain.

"I recognise that this is an extremely difficult issue for all concerned. There are a variety of strongly and sincerely held views in every party, including Sinn Féin. I recognise and respect those views. But I believe that the proposed amendment is a backward step and that it should be rejected.

"I urge people to Vote No on 6 March."

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1