29 March 2001 Edition

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Ó Caoláin slams IBEC threat

The Irish Business and Employers Confederation stated on Monday that the 2% pay increase due to be paid to over half a million workers in the 26 Counties on 1 April is ``not automatic''. The statement drew an angry reaction from trade unionists, who said that failure to pay would signal the end of the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness.

The IBEC threat was slammed by Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin in the Dáil on Wednesday during Taoiseach's questions. Ó Caoláin pointed out that ``in the context of the teachers' dispute, the Taoiseach has stuck doggedly to the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness on every occasion when he has been asked to intervene. Is sauce for the goose sauce for the gander and will the Taoiseach now reject this attempted swindle from the employers and demand full payment by all employers of the increases duly negotiated by workers?''

The Sinn Féin TD said: ``Many workers would conclude that they could receive better terms outside this Agreement.'' Bertie Ahern was reluctant to criticise IBEC and simply highlighted the terms of the agreement but he was pushed to say that the 2% ``should be paid''.

An Phoblacht
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