22 February 2001 Edition

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Seattle community supports Gaelscoil


A gathering of Irish dancers, musicians, Irish language enthusiasts and supporters filled the Irish Emigrant in Seattle, America, to raise funds toward the rebuilding of a County Antrim Gaelscoil destroyed by loyalist arsonists in the early hours of 26 November 2000.

On Sunday, February 18, 2001, performers from the Northwest gathered for a function that rauised $2,000 for the rebuilding fund.

After opening Naiscoil Dhun Lathai, (Dunloy Irish Language Preschool) in 1995 and the Primary School in 1996, Gaelscoil Dhal Riada now has 20 students and employs two teachers. One hundred per cent of the school's funding comes from parents and private donations; it receives no government funding. Parents, teachers and students are therefore relying on private supporters to help recover from the damage caused by November's fire.

One such supporter, Seattle-area Irish language instructor, Pat Boyle, organised the 18 February benefit with help from the Irish Emigrant. The spirited event started at 5pm, as many families with children attended, and lasted well into the night.

``I was delighted with the response!'' declared Boyle, noting that the event raised over $2,000. Mick Mulcrone who is planning a Portland, Oregon, area benefit for Gaelscoil Dhal Riada in April, said: ``Now I have a figure to beat.''

An Phoblacht
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Dublin 1