22 February 2001 Edition
Crowe leads road safety protest
Sinn Féin councillors Seán Crowe and Mark Daly led an angry protest at Greenhills Road in Tallaght, Dublin on Saturday after a recent fatality again highlighted the issue of road safety in the area.
Annette Rooney was killed on Wednesday, 7 Febuary at the junction between Greenhills Road and Mayberry Road. She had been struck by the back wheel of a lorry.
Over a hundred residents and workers from the area came out in support of the protest, calling for the construction of a footpath and pedestrian crossing at the junction.
``This work is an immediate priority,'' Councillor Crowe said. ``Lives have been lost and the quality and safety of local residents' and workers' lives has been affected. The right of pedestrians and bus passengers to walk along the road and cross it in safety has been denied.
``I am calling on the council to rectify the situation immediately. It is criminal that lives have to be lost and people have to protest for such a basic right as walking along the road and crossing it.''
People were so angry that they wanted to block the traffic at the protest. Crowe said that if the situation was not rectified immediately he would fully support the locals in escalating the protest.
Annette Rooney was killed on Wednesday, 7 Febuary at the junction between Greenhills Road and Mayberry Road. She had been struck by the back wheel of a lorry.
Over a hundred residents and workers from the area came out in support of the protest, calling for the construction of a footpath and pedestrian crossing at the junction.
``This work is an immediate priority,'' Councillor Crowe said. ``Lives have been lost and the quality and safety of local residents' and workers' lives has been affected. The right of pedestrians and bus passengers to walk along the road and cross it in safety has been denied.
``I am calling on the council to rectify the situation immediately. It is criminal that lives have to be lost and people have to protest for such a basic right as walking along the road and crossing it.''
People were so angry that they wanted to block the traffic at the protest. Crowe said that if the situation was not rectified immediately he would fully support the locals in escalating the protest.