2 March 2000 Edition

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Wexford roundabout needed

Wexford Sinn Féin Councillor Anthony Kelly has told the residents of Bishopswater and the surrounding areas he has had a motion for a roundabout and pedestrian crossing in their area and also in the area of the Gaelscoil, which now has 182 pupils attending. He has pledged to continue to actively work to persuade councillors and engineers to act before lives are lost, as both the elderly and children of the area run the gauntlet of heavy traffic which has been known to run at anywhere between 500 to 800 vehicles per hour at peak times. He also called on the gardaí to do their duty and wait for those who were breaking the speed limits in the area as they come into Wexford town past the Gaelscoil and on through the built up area of Bishopswater.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1