27 January 2000 Edition

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Policy is not enough

A Dublin Sinn Féin Workshop on gay, lesbian and bisexual affairs, held on Wednesday night in Dubl;in, was told that Sinn Féin members must go beyond party policy and ensure that they practice equality in their daily lives.

Party Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin stated: ``We need to practice what we preach if we really want to bring about change.''

Beth Wallace (pictured left), who worked on the Lesbian Education and Awareness Project, stressed this point also, while congratulating Sinn Féin on its approach, which she said was ``unusual within political parties''.

Kieran Rose (pictured right), co-chair of the Gay and Lasbian Network, spoke of the need to ``build on the legal foundations'' that have been won for gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. He was upbeat in his assessment of prospects for the future and pointed out the changes that Sinn Féin can make given the party's key roles in health and education on the Six-County executive.

An Phoblacht
44 Parnell Sq.
Dublin 1